Monday, January 23, 2012

Temple Gatekeepers

I'm reading through the Bible this year, using the daily ESV Study Bible plan.  One of today's chapters was 1 Chronicles 26.  In this chapter, the author gives an account of David's appointing of gatekeepers for the sanctuary of God (known previously as the "tabernacle" and later in 2 Chronicles as the "temple").  The sanctuary is where the glory and presence of God would come down to meet with his people.

Most people worshipped outside the sanctuary as God was very specific about who could go in, and what could be done inside.  The gatekeepers were men responsible for safeguarding the sanctuary from unauthorized worshippers and defiling practices.

Today, God's powerful presence is not restricted to a temple in Jerusalem.  Rather, God's presence now dwells within every believer.  Christians under the New Covenant enjoy God's presence continuously and can commune with him without geographical limitations because "[we] are God's temple and God's Spirit dwells in [us]" (1 Corinthians 3:16). 

Assuming that God is still zealous for the purity of his temple, gatekeeping must not be discarded as an isolated need under the Old Covenant.  While its form will be different. God's temple (his people) can still be defiled and gatekeepers are still necessary.

Who or what is gatekeeping the temple today?


  1. The Holy Spirit through the Word? Don't dare trust anything else.

  2. The means of grace: the Word and Prayer are essential. God the Holy Spirit uses them effectually to sanctify us. Albeit, we participate in this process. Jude and Peter tell us we are protected by the power of God through faith. (chs. 1)
    We are commanded to "be filled with the Spirit" and to "put on the full armor of God" daily, even hourly as the "temple" is assailed continually by our enemies, the World, the Flesh and the Devil.

    Through Christ we are "more than conquerers", praise God!!

  3. And could you guys PLEASE correct the spelling of your last names!! (lol)

  4. Very funny, Scott; and, it is you who need to correct the spelling of yours. (LOL)
